organic licence is the same colour as beer as it is worth its weight in gold.
It is a niche market undergoing exponential growth which does not depend on
large multinational breweries and which is appealing to a client base
increasingly attached to the quality of nutrition in the widest sense of the
term. Organic products are everywhere, and so it was quite natural that this
thousand year old drink made using cereals also be concerned.
breweries", which are human scale, independent and traditional in their
brewing methods are clearly at the hear of this organic commitment. As partners
of a biological and bioethical process, they have triggered a quite natural
process. For those who have made organic produce a keystone of their food
produce, the lack of pesticides or chemicals has become inseparable from health
and the enjoyment of eating and drinking healthily. This does not mean they are
boring or tasteless, organic beer is an example of this and shows all of its
colours to its fans!
As our
organic beers range from blonde to brune, ambrée to blanche and also has the
taste of fruits, flowers, spices or liquors (génépi, whisky, cognac) to vary
the pleasures and match each occasion and meal. Matching meals with organic
beers allow us to know and better appreciate the flavours and subtlety of this
beverage which, before, was rarely present around the dinner table. Nowadays,
artisanal and organic breweries have beer experts whose role is to return its
image and make it a gourmet product.
As a
living product, organic beer is a beer de garde which can be stored and whose
flavours develop over time. Rich in vitamins and oligo-elements, unfiltered and
unpasteurised, it is a drink which due to the lack of conservatives, is fragile
and which needs to be stored away from direct sunlight, in a dry and cool
place, a little like wine. It should be consumed at between 5 and 13° depending
on the "beer" and to release all of its flavour.