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Thirsty for authenticity? Then get ready to take a massive gulp! Creativity, traditional or experimental brewing, respect of local produce, use of organic products and water and water from the Alps, all form some of the principles and secrets which underpin the development of artisanal beers brewed by Les Brasseurs Savoyards.

The desire to innovate in the choice of malts, years and ageing methods, to create balanced and aromatic blends from ancestral manufacturing methods, the requirement of local sourcing to perpetuate the brewing tradition of the Haute-Savoie is at the core of the success of Les Brasseurs Savoyards.

Above all, it is also about commitment and family ties. It is a story of two passionate brothers who decided to set up their own brewery in this exceptional area, between lake and mountainsides and to develop and promote traditional and innovative beers which have led to them becoming the sole and exclusive organic brewery in France at present.


An organic beer is one where all raw materials selected can be traced. From the field to the bottle, each stage of transformation is supervised and inspected by organic certification bodies. This gives the assurance that there has been no treatment and all produce is free of chemical substances or pesticides. Cereals come from organic agriculture and are malted in Belgium by a well-renowned malting works.

No additives, conservatives or other anti-oxidants are used in the products. A chartered organic certification body analyses and certifies beers using independent laboratories. Finally, it is also the guarantee of reduced waste and discharge. Spent grains (solid cereal residue) are given to a local farmer and used to feed cattle. Reducing waste and discharge is also a core concern for Les Brasseurs Savoyards.



For 7,000 years! From the Chang Dynasty, to the Sumerian, from the Egyptians to the Greeks, and also in Roman, Viking, Celtic and Gaule times...Since the dawn of time, beer has been a part of our heritage. Created by chance and by a broth, the combination of water and cereals (barley, wheat, millet, spelt and rice), macerated and then fermented, original beer, called "liquid bread", has been consumed in fields, on boats, and in church taverns for over 7,000 years. This beverage which was given curing, and even spiritual virtues, was a currency for exchange and source of income, and has marked our history for thousands of years. Sikaru, Tsiou, barley wine, cervoise, throughout time and across cultures, it has had many a name, recipe and flavour before becoming, in France with the development of brewing which in the 7th century was conferred to Abbey monks, followed by the bitterness of hops introduced by Hildegarde de Bingen in the 12th century, this artisanal drink with many a flavour and unrivalled genealogy.





Avec leurs bières 100% BIO et 100% orge française baptisées à l'eau des Alpes, les Brasseurs Savoyards sont les véritables magiciens brassicoles de la Haute-Savoie. 
Grâce à leur sourcing BIO irréprochable qui tutoie le terroir, les bières BIO qu'ils proposent ont réenchanté le monde des bières artisanales et du BIO!

Bien que leur approvisionnement passe par la Malterie du Château en Belgique, tous les malts qu'ils utilisent dans la confection de leurs bières BIO sont produits et cultivés en France.
Les variétés de houblons BIO étant plus rares que le malt BIO, elles sont sourcées en France mais également dans d'autres pays du monde (Belgique, Angleterre, Allemagne...)
Donc du BIO et rien que du BIO pour cette gamme iconique qui prend une place grandissante sur le marché Haut-Savoyard des bières BIO d'abord et dont les saveurs envahissent progressivement l'ensemble de la région Rhône-Alpes. 
Avec désormais un parc de 30 cuves de fermentation, les Brasseurs Savoyards ont pris les devants pour répondre à la demande d'un marché assoiffé de leurs bières BIO, qui associe le bon et la qualité avec style et cette juste  amertume qui signe leurs belles bières BIO traditionnelles et artisanales. 
La qualité est en effet le fer de lance des Brasseurs Savoyards et aujourd'hui, grâce à leur bière BIO; ils s'imposent comme la première brasserie 100% BIO de France.